After Slavko, we’re getting a cold compress in the shape of Norma John and their ode to self harm. I’m assured they’re fun people though, so keep an open mind. It’s then a short break in Kiev, so expect a delay before the last two acts today.
I’ve already mentioned The Common Linnets once today – they gave a master class in how to stage a song for television. Their influence is felt here. A mostly blue stage (isn’t it always) that turns red as the sun sets and the mood grows ever more sombre. Swirling waters engulf the screens. The monitor feed suggests sweeping camera shots and when that awkward piano break comes, we get to watch the player’s hands.
The vocals are near perfect – and after the ropy offerings from everyone else today, this is a huge relief.
Now, I get how ‘beautiful’ this is and admit that I might play it again after the contest. But this little birdie feels like it will get lost – partly due to its place in the running order. I can’t see what will make the average viewer feel they need to vote.