Much as it pains me to say this, Germany is not going to finish last with this one. They have preformed major surgery to make ‘Perfect Life’ sound semi decent, but believe me it’s not great by any means.
The background screens are black and white and grey, and Levina actually makes a decent fist of singing, but the backing vocalists seem to be a touch off, to my ear. And although it does feel wooden and it does feel overly clinical (especially in contrast to any of the other big six), when it gets distributed amongst the drab and the dreary that will get through from the semi finals (and plenty of them will be there) then it might – just might – stand out enough to get a few points scattered its way.
It doesn’t have a massive “moment”; it’s three minutes at a background level of interest rather than a 45-second peak. I don’t know how it is going to play out, but it’s not going trouble the big three.
Juries will see the classic nature of the song, but mark it down because it’s dreadfully dull … as will televoters. It’ll struggle in the final reckoning, no matter how much better it’s become.