Germany releases Eight of their songs into the wild – Hear them now!

So after literally no one has asked or even cared – Germany has announced eight of it’s nine finalists for it’s late night Unser Leid für Liverpool selection process to take place in the dead of a Friday night on March 3rd.

Barbara Schöneberger will compere again, presumably because she has nowt better to do on a Friday night than to present some substandard songs, and the singers of those songs are:

Will Church, the mandatory Long Haired singer guy who is presenting a power ballad called “Hold on”

Frieda Gold who are a duo and not an old woman from Bochum who are, seemingly, quite popular, singing their song Alle Frauen In Mir Sind Müde

Patty Gurdy from Dusseldorf which, as her name suggests, has Patty (and not Selma) playing the Hurdy Gurdy cos, why wouldn’t you?, singing Melodies of Hope.

TRONG – a band that are already well known in Vietnam, cos that’s going to help them in a pan-European song Contest, Singing a song called “Dare to be Different” (Narrator: It isn’t)

Lord of the Lost, a band from St Pauli in Hamburg (MILLENTOR etc..) who have been in existence since 2009 and are best described as Punk Lite singing Blood and Glitter.

René Miller, is out of the Sam Ryder mould of Tik Tok singers that found fame in lockdown, singing his own composition Concrete Heart.

Anica Russo presents Once upon a dream

Finally, and mercifully for us, we have the duo Lonely Spring with a song that could have been dropped from Green Day’s back catalogue, Misfit.

And just when you thought that the excitement was over, there is a ninth song yet to be announced when Tik Tok users can vote for that one.

I bet you can’t wait

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Mo Fanning
2 years ago

Sam Ryder has a lot to answer for.