Monty’s Eurovision Countdown 2023 Part 2 – Armenia

Future Lover by Brunette.

A song about imagining your future lover is a great concept that speaks to us all. Who hasn’t lost themselves in day (and damper, night) dreams about the swarthy brute who’s going to knock you off your feet yet turns out to also be cultured and happy to cook you chips? It also reminds me of the great Dolly Parton’s inspired warning “Better get your hands off my potential new boyfriend”.

Brunette is one of Armenia’s crop of young artists the broadcaster has spoken of being keen to showcase through Eurovision. It worked a treat last year for Rosa Lynn, even though it took her song going viral on social media well after the Contest to garner a truly global smash hit. She certainly looks the part in a striking video.

The optimism of her mythical lover is tempered by the anxiety we all feel inside with Brunette’s dreams of whiling the day away lounging in cafés with her paramour breaking into thoughts of her heart being tied in chains and having panic attacks. The shifting mood is echoed by a shift in musical style leaving a somewhat uneven sounding song that at times feels too nebulous to pin down.

This latter quality is perhaps the songs biggest challenge. I quite like it but I can’t fully engage in it as I feel it never really takes off. It feels like a prime contender for a visually stunning presentation at the Contest distracting from its audio shortcomings.

My marks: 6 points