Having had a good response to last week I thought I’d best keep this kind of thing up!
There will be THREE live shows tonight. But, where do you find them? I hear you cry And who’s in them?
Thankfully, I’ve thought of these questions and put everything in this handy page – aren’t I good?
The main action of this evening is the French National Final containing eight songs will start at 2055 CET on France2, TV5 Monde and on the internet. We’ve got a dedicated page to those who are fighting for France.
Heat number three of their ridiculous selection starts at 2000 CET which you can view, should the mood take you, at the live webcast page of LRT.
A Dal‘s Second heat starts tonight at 2030 CET containing ten songs. You can see more about them at our dedicated page and their webstream (which is usually very good) will be live, though usually starts about 5 minutes later than the TV.
As soon as the results are announced, they’ll be all over this page and the Results Service section of the site. Make sure you enjoy tonight responsibly!!
Hungary Second Heat Final Results now live at 2241 CET
French FINAL RESULT now live at 2350 CET