Eurovision Countdown 24 – Spain according to Mo

When I revealed my intent to score this song maximum points, Mr Phil spat out more than just his tea.

But I’m a sucker for an old bird giving it rice and standing up for herself. The styling is superb. It’s a Pet Shop Boys song with a charismatic lead vocal. The spirit of survival stays strong.

The wonderful part about this is it doesn’t sound like there’s much scope to fuck up live, as it’s a downbeat and multi-tracked lead vocal against a slowly building backing track. And everyone I’ve shown the video can’t stop watching. This kind of thing grabs a viewer by the balls (or lady parts) and demands a vote.

(I hope they nail the staging in the way they have the video.)

12 PointsI don’t care what Mr Phil says, I’m giving this a (rare this year) maximum score.


OnEurope Countdown to Eurovision 2024

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