Good morning world. OnEurope here with your daily round up of what’s getting fans of the Eurovision Song Contest talking online.
There was really only one thing on our virtual lips – stage. As we reported yesterday, there have been issues with the ‘kinetic sun’ (kinetic being an overpriced way of saying moving). The bit of the stage that should rotate and move during songs was heralded by all involved as ‘a spectacular stage with the ability to showcase theatrical motion‘. The problem is the moving parts stopped moving shortly before the first technical rehearsals yesterday (after, we’re told working like a charm for the stand-in rehearsals). Rai has been quick to blame everything and everyone and assure the world they’ll have a pop at fixing things.
It’s fixed Jim, just not as we know it
Late yesterday various delegations took to social media to report they’ve been told it won’t be fixed for their live performance. Even later, came news the sun will work for the interval acts. Organisers have decided not to risk it for any of the competing songs just in case it fails again and gives one entry an advantage over another. Suggesting a somewhat sticking plaster approach to the repair.
Needless to say, the Nostradamus syndrome took hold fast across fandom, with many claiming an effect (they’d yet to see) was crucial and everything was now ruined. Words being thrown around by self-proclaimed large-scale event experts included: chaotic, poor planning, disastrous and a bit of a shame. Still, it gives everyone a reason for why their song won’t win Eurovision 2022. It also vindicates the decision to lock onlookers out of the first rehearsals.
Day two
And on with day two – we’ll be with you again creating love out of nothing at all. With the remaining acts on stage running through their soundchecks, followed by press conferences, this is the place to come for all the content you never thought you needed. Happy Sunday.
There’s stuff on the official blog (where everything is just perfect, I tell you, nothing to see here) and TikTok if you feel like seeing things through the eyes of a two-year old who overdosed on lemon sherbet.