You keep me hanging on

On Europe TV

The team is busy bringing you Eurovision in all its glory – sending their thoughts from the International Exhibition Centre in Kiev.

So let’s take a look at how the rest of us get to enjoy the rehearsals – through the magic of YouTube. How do those clips make it online – and more importantly WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG?

The first rehearsals are a closed shop. The fan sites don’t get to sit in the hall and take photos or transmit anything back that might not be the official line (even though a few have bent this rule).

After each run through, the camera team submit video for editing. It’s then up to the delegation heads to approve whatever gets shared with the outside world. Naturally this isn’t always a quick process – particularly if you’ve had a bit of a disappointing rehearsal.

Sometimes the disappointment becomes clear to the outside world when performances appear out of turn.

Read our rehearsal blog
See what else is going on in Kiev
Read our Countdown reviews for 2017

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