I appreciate that it’s not a very exciting list, but here are the twenty-four songs that will excite you over the Christmas period. This is the line-up for the Albanian Eurovision national final: The Festivali i Këngës.
I also know you have been holding your water with excitement, but you can let it all flow now.
Are there any names that jump out of the list? Well not really. They all seem to be new, but Classic Boys seems to be Il Volo. Lynx aren’t singing a song called Africa or Desire so we’re gonna be doing ok! I’m sure none of them are going to be three minutes long, but you’ll have to wait and see.
Song | Performer(s) |
Fjalët ia lë zemrës | Albulena Jashari |
Dashuria për jetën | Classic Boys |
Mos harro | Dilan Reka |
Besoj në ëndrra | Edea Demaliaj |
Mirëmëngjës | Edona Vatoci |
Edhe një herë | Elson Braha |
Dhimbja e gëzimit | Erlind Zeraliu |
Shkon e vjen | Fabiola Agalliu & Agnesa Çavolli |
Atje lart | Festina Mejzini |
S’dua t’flas | Flaka Krelani |
Macka | Franc Koruni |
Këtu | Genc Salihu |
Bota | Linda Halimi |
Vija e lumit | Linda Rukaj |
Me ty | Lorela |
Sot | Lynx |
Koha plaket | Luka & Serxhio Hajdini |
Dashuri dhe urrejtje | Neki Emra |
Shi diamantësh | Orges Toçe |
Pse prite gjatë | Rezarta Smaja |
Më zgjo | Tiri |
Shiu | Yll Limani |
Metropol | Xuxi |
Eva jam unë | Xhesika Polo |