After Super Saturday – a subdued Sunday?

Well after the mentalness that was last evening ( and feel free to check out all of the results) Eurovision moves on to a rather subdued Sunday.

Only two shows on tonight ( Thank the lord I hear you all cry)

Romania and their seemingly never ending Semi Finals finally reach their conclusion with their fifth Semi Final – check out the runners and riders why don’t ya and then settle back at 2000 CET to watch it.  I can’t promise a salt mine this week, heck, I can’t even promise some decent songs!

Also tonight we have the host country, that’ll be Portugal for those who are new here (!) and their first Semi final of Festival Da Cancao. Scheduled, rather exactly, from 2206 CET on Sunday to 0112 CET on Monday Morning and available to view on the internet, should you have the constitution to do so, Thirteen songs will be whittled down to seven by televote and jury.