And what a rehearsal that was!! It had everything.. Brilliant hosts, brilliant staging and marvellous hosts. The following are notes that Nick has taken during the reherasal
Opening sequence : Reynard and Marie come on after a short film. The opening sequence has asteroids and They come on and take the piss out of every decent presenter there has ever been!!
Iceland : Good opener but doesnt get the crowd going.
Austria : Me was scared. This goes big in the hall and i am genuinely scared that this could do well
Ireland : He looks over-confident and thinks he has won it.
Turkey : She looks really confident and the performance is excellent. I think this could be a winner.
Bosnia and herzegovina : Bosnia has gone scary – She has lost all tone and will do badly.
Portugal : This is fantastic. She belts out a really good song and looks into camera. She should score highly, but probably won’t do.
Croatia : Much applause, but she sung flat.
Cyprus : He starts well and gets the crowd going, but thats about it really
Germany : Big danger. The crowd cheers and she performs well. The only worry is that she may not hold it up live a la the German Final.
Russia – Now Yulia is either “ill” or ” in hospital” depending on the rumours, so the other one went out and got roundly booed by 5,000 people. I felt really sorry for her though, cos she tried so hard to give a performance.
Spain : Its good but its not right. The hall likes it though but she tried so hard.
Israel : Good crowd reaction for the strip but….
Netherlands : Big performance, big in the hall and nick likes it. It will do well…
UK : It is getting a wee bit better, but not a great deal. It does go down well in the hall mind but probably with the fans.
Ukraine : Be Afraid.. This is getting better and better. It is going well in the hall ( as are most things)
Greece : Mando is efficient, and she looks less like a tart than she did earlier in the week. She sings well though.
Norway: Europe’s mum will want to knit him a sweater, but not vote for him me thinks.. Goes well, but cos its an Awwwwwwww vote
France : She sounded a little flat to my ear but performed reasonalbly well.
Poland : Excellent, competent performance and goes down very well indeed. BE AFRAID
Latvia, Understandably big in the hall. They sung well and looked well. Best performance they have given all week.
Estonia : The 80’s aren’t coming back.. but 2001 might be. There is a vibe about this one and it could do reasonably well. Vaiko still looks awful, but he’ll do ok
Romania. It is the Fisher Price ” My first Lindsay D “. SShe can sing, but not this song.
Sweden : It tis typically Swedish. It is a good example of what they do best, but it goes flat in the hall.
Slovenia : Its OK.. but she wont do that well. They all rushed out of the hall in the middle of this one.
Oneurope’s tips : ALL of them. Seriously, Turkey, Austria, Netherlands, Iceland, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine.