Bom dia, Oneuropeans! Tudo bem? I had hoped to be able to bring you some insider gossip from Eurovision’s party scene by now but I’m sorry to say we’ve not managed to get into any yet. What has happened to the world?
Friday’s always prestigious Nordic party took place just two buildings from where we live, close enough to lob peanuts at those attending in the rooftop venue. But no such luck; despite applying every trick in the book we couldn’t get on a magic list.
Last night, it was the Israeli party, always a great one, and we lined up in the queue for an hour before we got to 20 from the front, when a one in one out policy began to kick in. The (few) ones in were selected from a separate guest list queue that had started to form alongside us and after another 40 minutes of none out, none in, we cut our losses and headed for a drink in the nearby Bairro Saara Aalto instead.
Speaking of Saara Aalto, we met her yesterday, along with Ryan from Ireland, at a photo op up the Miradouro overlooking central Lisbon. Yesterday was a glorious day in Lisbon, so we checked out the Eurovision Village. It’s a huge space, with an enormous stage, upon which we watched the artists from Latvia, Belgium, Switzerland and Portugal perform.
And speaking of Portugal, that’s who’s first today. But I’m going to miss them. A combination of Sunday service plus unfortunately timed connections means I’m still on the Metro. I hope I make it for the UK…
Monty x