Hello, OnEuropeans, Phil here.
Now I know that people have been viewing – our page views are through the Eurovision roof (and I’ve not been refreshing pages in my own browser) – but I’m slightly disturbed at the fact that I’ve barely heard from you, the readers of OnEurope.
It’s not like you lot to be silent during Eurovision fortnight, so please, PLEASE, feel free to comment (politely if possible). We never forget you have a choice of sites, and it’s obvious you’ve chosen to check us out … and our reports (that rarely toe the sanitised official line) must appeal – or annoy you.
Do you like what I’m doing? How are you viewing the site? Is it 29 degrees near you?
Tell us!
I’m here! Not there, but here.
I asked a question on the Estonia rehearsal. Enjoying the reports as always!
It’s 11 degrees near me! Thanks for your reports, I am reading and digesting, I will speak if I feel I have anything worth saying 🙂