27 July – I trust that tomorrow love will return to me

Sisters seem to be doing it for themselves lately. We’ve had a run of female vocalists lately, which is in no way a bad thing. And from all corners of Europe.

Do you remember Andorra? They took part six times, and today’s birthday girl Susanne Jonah-Lynn Georgi Puigcercós was the co-principality’s last entrant. Actually, Andorra was almost going to the old Luxembourg route of picking a non-native to sing for them. Susanne originally came from Denmark, but managed Andorra’s second-best ever placing. Some of who are probably old enough to know better miss Andorra and it’s quirkiness. Catalan is a language Eurovision needs, and as for the jury spokepeople with their interesting take on French, the Pyrenean nation is a joy to behold. Andorra – please come back.

Susanna is 46 today.

Feliç aniversari/Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Susanna!