8 April – A smile, a hug, a bit of praise

Are you a fan of national finals? Are you religiously watching them through the whole ‘season’, from Albania to Sweden? Do you pick certain countries to watch, even though they may have many many shows? Or do you prefere it to be all over in one evening?

Among those that have many many shows is Hungary. It’s not been all bad for them. The A Dal format in use since 2012 has had a whole crop of songs make the Grand Final. I understand it’s compulsive viewing in Budapest and Székesfehérvár. But the question can be what happens when you’ve won A Dal? Well, in the case of Mr Pápai, you can try again. Or, in the case of today’s birthday boy Fehérvári ‘Freddie’ Gábor Alfréd you can host the event. His semi-final appearance was memorable in that he finished fourth. But then 19th in the Grand Final? How does that work? A 15 place drop? Maybe he’d not washed his T-shirt between performances.

Freddie is 29 today.

Boldog születésnapot, Freddie!