Phil: This is going to be a complete contrast between the three songs that have come before. I didn’t give Next Time a prayer from the Macedonian Final to here but now – having seen it live on screen – it doesn’t look half bad to be honest. the long haired lead singers look like 80’s/90’s group Extreme crossed with Bon Jovi but hell, its made a total contrast between the 3 that have gone before. The lead singer definitely knows where the camera is and he bounces about like that excitable rock n roll kid. It might just be different enough and,weirdly 80’s enough to get Macedonia into the Top 10 of this bit and I didn’t think I would be saying that 35 mins ago.
Franko: Yes it’s completely nuts but I actually like this. It’s very 80’s/90’s Chesney Hawkes crossed with Bon Jovi. They are what I was expecting Switzerland to be ie good and engaging. They move around the stage to full effect thus neutralising it’s cavenousness and play like a proper rock band. I hadn’t given this a living on a prayer before today but am now thinking it’s potential qualifier material.