Russian here and Russian there … just a few thoughts and a thank you


Now, I’ve been intently listening to the interwebs who, as we all know can’t be wrong, and I’m just a little bit annoyed. This year Russia have gone back to schlager basics with a good looking man, singing an arguably old fashioned pop song, mincing his way through three minutes and everyone is going “Whey-hey… this could win… Russia have pulled all the stops out”… whereas just 12 months ago Russia put in a ballad of the old school, talking about peace love and harmony and the net went “how cynical…. when Putin is bombing etc…etc..”

Seems as though the righteous indignation brigade are only out when the song is more to their taste. Putin hasn’t suddenly gone away, he hasn’t suddenly dropped his homophobic stance and yet, the interwebs and their fervent support has been cast aside by a man with a decent body singing a song they could find at NG1 rather than Red Square.

I guess it just goes to show the fickle nature of Eurovision and Politics… something that people are pained to point out doesn’t happen during voting, but social media is willing to forget for a pectoral muscle…

In other news … As OnEurope is about to turn 17 I must thank you, my adoring reader, for actually making us a bit more popular. I know what you like, and I give it to you when I am bothered! – People like Stan and Shai and Darren and Mr Poohsticks (who I have not seen of late), clearly understand this site, as do the silent majority of visitors. I realise that you can get your “news” from other places and that’s cool, but it’s nicer when you come back and read my shiz. We all know I’m not a journalist but this place gets me (and by vicarious extension you) to the Eurovision most often than not and THAT makes me proud. To my small army of fans and supporters, and the team that help me when things are bad and remind me why I do this shiz…. thank you!!