12 February – Now my reigns are in your hands

Some countries seem to have fallen out with our favourite TV show of late. It wasn’t that long ago you’d see the likes of Monaco, Andorra and Slovakia eager and willing to take part. Now they just sit on the substitute’s bench.

And then there’s Turkey. Avid participants until 2012, and then they stopped. And then nothing. Two weeks in Turkey would be nice, but we need to talk TRT round. Anyway, in their early days, the Turks didn’t have it all their own way. In 1980 they sent today’s birthday girl (Ayşe) Ajda Pekkan to Hague, The. It was about a certain substance in a very ethnic stylee. These days, ti would go down a storm. But in 1980 it finished 15th. 15th! She goes down in history as the only person to score a maximum off Morocco. But what were the jurors of Europe thinking? They should hang their heads in shame in ignoring this masterpiece.

Ajda is 73 today.

Doğum günün kutlu olsun, Ajda!