Those countries after their maiden win must look with a bit of envy to those ‘newer’ countries that already have them. There must be a secret formula, they cry. There is: simply enter a decent song with widespread appeal.
Our friends in Bulgaria are yet to win and in the early days even had trouble getting the the Grand Final. And they’re taking a break this year. Today’s birthday boy Миро/Miro (né Мирослав Костадинов/Miroslav Kostadinov) was one of the unlucky Bulgars who couldn’t make the leap. He’d tried before, but BRT selected him internally with a song about that all too familiar subject – angels. As we know, he fell short of the ten lucky songs that made the final and it was a bloodbath – maybe not the place for an angel. But no-one rocks a tattoo of wings on his back like Miro.
Miro is 47 today.
Честит рожден ден, Миро!