16 January – Sing my song at home alone

Spain - Arms

Today’s song has one thing (at least) that you won’t find on the Eurovision stage in the 21st Century. Actually, this song had four things on stage you won’t see anymore. Are you intrigued now?

Cast your mind back to 1979, when the world was fat more innocent and we had ventured outside of Europe for the very first time. Nineteen songs had made it to sunny Jerusalem, and it could have been a lottery who won. In the end, it became a two horse race between the home entry and today’s birthday girl Beatriz Teresa Missiego Campos, know to us as Betty Missiego. She was a Peruvian singer (who knew they had singers there) who became Spanish. She could have won, but her country’s jury gave points to Israel. One of the best Spanish songs ever? What do you think?

Betty is 73 today.

Feliz cumpleaños, Betty!