Eurovision can be a family affair. We’ve had twins, siblings and parents and children competing both together and separately. A certain Icelandic songstress this year has a father who tried the same thing in the 1990s. But on the Mediterranean’s happiest rock there is one family which seems to dominate. These are our friends the Faniellos.
Claudia takes part this year, after what seems like 59 attempts to win her national final. But she’s already been eclipsed by her older brother Fabrizio. He’s made it to the hallowed Eurovision stage not once but twice. His fortunes have been mixed, but he still has those exclusive bragging rights at the family dining table. But who knows, maybe Claudia has another Eurovision in her.
Fabrizio is 36 today.
Għeluq sninek it-tajjeb/Happy birthday, Fabrizio