6 November – Go about your business

Кашкавал. Some of our friends around Europe are convinced that their country will never win European (and Australian) singing’s greatest prize. No-one likes us, they cry. It’s all a stitch up, with neighbourly voting and politics aplenty. It’s clearly not true. Remember Finland? Never a hope. Then they went and won in Athens in 2006. Then there’s Portugal. Fifty-one years it took them.

Another country that may well have given up hope was Austria. A series of dismal results and indifferent paticipating was Austria’s was. Until 2014 when today’s birthday boy/girl Thomas Neuwirth/Conchita Wurst only went and won the thing in Mömö, scoring 13 maxima in the process. It just goes to show that anyone can win. .

Conchita is 29 today.

Frohe Geburtstag, Conchita!