We still don’t know where we’ll all be gathering for a riotous cavalcade of popular song next May. You shouldn’t be worried – things will turn out fine. Everyone is poised to book accommodation in [insert Ukrainian city here] and for those of us that went in 2005, we know it won’t thankfully be Scandinavian prices. I might even have the chance to have more than one beer per evening. But you didn’t click on this site to see me drone on. You came here for a video. Today’s birthday girl was the opposite of Jamala. Jamala wasn’t highly tipped, and came from nowhere to win. Μαρλέν Αγγελίδου on the other hand was widely tipped to do really well in sunny Jerusalem. Things didn’t quite go according to plan as she finished 22nd, only beating Spain. Marlain is 38 today.
Χρόνια πολλά, Μάρλεν!