So, as I say, “Hello!”

2006 Eurovision logo

Apparently Website Producer Hobnob Tracy thinks that “Hello!” is an insufficient piece of reportage to justify my P2ness. “Fair enough”, says I.

My P2ness is still only temporary, but things are improving. The nice lady at the Accreditation Centre struggled a little with the concept that “Nick_At_ESC” (as on my accreditation form) and “Nicholas_At_ESC” (as on my passport) are one and the same person, but once I got over that hurdle, I was granted a day pass. The day passes are green, and a very nice green too. Sometime today, I AM to the laminating, and should be able to pick up my yellow plastic before we leave the arena. The queue didn’t move for about an hour, but I had a bottle of pop and a bag of Greek bacon crispies, so the time passed.

Since I’ve been in t’arena, I’ve seen Bulgaria perform twice (still not keen, still feel that Aziz’s wailing break kill a song that was nearly dead already, but I seem to be in an OnEurope minority there), and Anzej is currently singing at me in front of a purple backdrop, wearing peculiar facial hair and the sort of glasses that make it look like he fears having acid thrown in his face. Not going to happen. I like Anzej (kiss of death there if ever you heard one)… he moves about a bit, and yes, I would have to say “best so far” for me.