Contextual business

Right then, the big fellas have whipped back to town to have their tea, so you have me filling in for a smidge. In the words of the immortal (if he wasn’t dead) Tommy Trinder, you lucky people!

Just been in to see a couple of press conferences in the enormodome that is the press centre. Israel was everything you wanted a PC to be. Quick, to the point and with intelligent Qs and As. I’ve copped some film of their answers to all the contentious questions you’ve all been wanting to know the answers to, so hopefully, if I work hout how to use the kit, you’ll be seeing them later tonight.

Estonia are just about to start their run-throughs, but currently I’m sat in the new Hacksaw office. Not for me a cleaning cupboard or cubby hole this year. I’ve found myself a nice little disused tea bar just outside the hall, with hoover plug sockets and everything. I suspect once my secret is out these comfy seats will become premium, so I’m getting my charge ups in early!

Right, off to see some Gerli business. She sounds powerful enough, but the tune itself is dragging a smudge. I’ll tell you how it is next visit!

Be well, don’t die,