… This is your captain speaking, and I’d like to welcome you aboard this Eurovision shite. The duration will be about 11 days … ish. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the shite.
It’s a First Wednesday, and behaving as such. Eurovision life in Helsinki is proving to be a challenge – the P2s that Nick and I acquired this morning without a problem don’t actually give us internet access.
This may be a problem – however, the nice people at the Accreditation Desk seem to acknowledge the problem. I suspect that there may be WLAN to be had by the time the rehearsals start tomorrow morning … hope springs eternal.
For the moment, Five Finnish Euros has bought us 24 hours of Internet access in the room, which is dead cheap and I approve. Especially as the room itself is no more than half an hour from the arena, if we get a good run.
Finland itself is a land of contrasts, where ancient trees and lakes flow seamlessly and harmoniously into the state-of-the-art mobile network. It’s not good, necessarily, to have lakes flowing into your mobile network. Still, we’re all coping perfectly adequately.
We’ve also found a lovely restaurant – I can’t recall the name, but it starts with Mc and I had a delicious snack of chipped and fried potatoes served en papillote, whilst his nibs had what they call a “Big Mac” or something. It’s a delightful area, truly!
This afternoon, it’s also snowing. I didn’t see that coming. Unsure as yet how things are going to work out tomorrow for reportage, so basically expect us when you see us. 🙂
Thank you for bearing with us today.