MKP’s view of things


Afternoon everybody peeps. Yes MKP has arrived; and he´s enjoying life in the (o)press(ive) centre receiving texts from everyone who is enjoying life in the sun!! drinking!! Anyway, what has happened today? Bosnia looked the bees´ knees on the big screen, but much of the performance was talked over by speculation about last night´s exploits at the Euroclub. Spain were rampant – but the sound died during the second run-through. Good thing the choreography includes sign language as they revealed at the press conference. What a scrum that was as everyone was showing off their proficiency in Spanish, except Thomas G:sson! Everyone handed slips in after with numbers on – I´m sure some were phone numbers. All in all that meant I missed the Irish, but in an exclusive performance after they “rocked” in some Ikea rocking chairs fiddling and banging for all they are worth. Cathy Jordan and the boys completely won me over! I looked like one of the locals from the film “Deliverance”. On with the show!