Well, we (Phil and Nick) hung out for a couple of hours at the Opening Party. Pleasant surroundings, decent food (last year was famed for the Carrefour Table Of Infinite Cake, this year it’s been cold meats and salmon, with free ice cream and a near infinite bowl of cheese), and a steady stream of the great and the good and the rubbish of this year’s contest floating around in full-on party mode. There were people in top hats who may potentially have been Latvian, there were Scoochers, there were Olivia Lewis (arrr, there were!), they were all out there.
Can we say “fish out of water”? ‘Twas the very loud techno diddly daidly that finally drove me away, though I’m given to understand that one of the team has been having an interesting time with the Andorrans. It appears that Anonymous are great fans of Hacksaw, so I presume the seminal “Go Bath City Go” will be a radio hit in Andorra La Vella sometime soon.
No doubt the man himself will report rather more substantially in the morning on this. I always knew that when ESC went to Helsinki, strange things would happen.