Just stumbled in from the Georgian party and now a huuuuge slew of us want that fair state to win – desperately. And let me tell you why.
First there was the food. A mammoth disgustation table of local delicacies – cheeses, pancakes, interesting breads, meats in amazing looking sauces, bready-cheesy things, sauces the like of which I’ve never tasted before and the most amazing custard desert that’s ever had the pleasure of passing my cake-jaded lips.
Then there was the wine. Sopho’s own brand, with her slinky form pouring down one side of the bottle. “Not for pregnant women or drivers” it said on the bottle – and not for no reason. I’m no regular lush, but this stuff had me talking the crazy jive babble in mere mouthfuls. Each sip felt like being punched in the mouth by a god, and then stroked soothingly by one of his hand-maidens. And all this was before the floor show.
First up came a bizarre Borat-alike, that no one could quite work out if he was real or not. Then our Soph got up and oozed out some devastating smokey bar room jazz stylings, before skipping off to let a Georgian choir do their bit. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. But this wasn’t all. Then glided on the Georgian ballet, who leaped, frolicked, sworded and yarropped for a good long time.
The wine seemed to go on for ever – and even the Latvians turned up in full dress (hats n’all), which was quite a surprise, cos their party was due to be in full flow at that point. Then, with one last push, the lass herself got up to do the hit and the place went yiddly bonkers.
There were a number of other parties on tonight, but the numbers here scarcely thinned. The Macedonian do chucked out early, I haven’t found a soul who went to the Slo/Lat do, and Bulgaria was supposed to be a pleasant, if not sparsely attended do.
These Georgian kids have certainly been doing their homework. If this is the kind of hospitality they show, roll on Tbilisi 2008, that’s all I can say!