Ah. Much more like it. A competent singer singing what is probably the best song we’ve seen so far.
Some would say that less is more and I’d be one of them. It’s a maxim the Belgians have probably ignored too many times at their peril particularly last year. This year they’ve cracked it. Handsome bloke, guitar, simple melodic beautiful song. It does what it says on the Belgian beer can and no more. And for that reason I’d say it’s a sure fire qualifier and Belgium’s first appearance on a Saturday night since the whore in the red dress back in 2004.
Bravo Thomas! We need more of your sort and I wish you enough points to get you into the top 5 if Europe has any taste.
Impossible not to like!
Phil: Ladies, Gentlemen and undecideds … we have a song!!
Even though I actually did hate Tom Dice and everything the preview video stood for, I can after his first rehearsal, reveal that he is everything that a majority of you lot told me he was…. A good singer with a good song. He is clearly the best thing we have seen so far in this bit. He makes singing look easy and even the annoying habit he has of singing out of the side of his mouth looks good and, as he rightly sings, it is just him and his guitar, and believe me directly after Poland and all that madness, that is not a bad thing at all. Tom too looks down the camera at me, but he is far less sinister than Marcin and the viewers that are not behind their sofas expecting to have been killed by Marcin will be pleasantly shocked.
Tom is also the first performer to use the bubble at the end of the catwalk…. doesn’t have any great significance but in a simple staging it could just have an effect by being nearer the camera and the audience.
A certain qualifier methinks.
Nick: I wish he’d sing this song in civvies like he’s rehearsing in, he looks and sounds great. Honest Phil informs me that 6/1 – SIX TO ONE – is still available at Betfred for this to win the semifinal. Third favourite behind Slovakia in second (which isn’t winning this semifinal) and Greece in first (who we’ll be seeing in a bit and might be).
That’s worth a nibble, that is. First thing so far that’s looked in with a serious chance of going places come Saturday. A whisper can sometimes be louder than a shout. It’s getting thumbs up around here.
(First Belgian to qualify from a semifinal, you say?)