When I left you last night, I’d yet to comment on anything after Latvia. well, all I can say is that it’s been most entertaining since. Denmark had a reasonable rehearsal, although the lead singer had to give the shirt off his back (literally) to be in this bunfight. And then we had Jedward.
Contrary to what this little resistance fighter was expecting, Jedward were very entertaining. The stage show is very very entertaining. Their backdrop is worth a golden cheese slice on its own. The caricatures that are Jedward have themselves been caricatured. They use dry ice, and if you’re sat in the first 20 rows you’ll get showered in glitter at the end. The press conference was delivered in a style that only the quiffed twosome can get away with. Unfathomable if your first language isn’t English. A little unfathomable if your first language IS English too. But again very very entertaining. I didn’t give the song a prayer, but you never know.
I was kept behind after class last night so got a little behind with my party reporting duties. But the party situation last night didn’t quite turn out as expected. Despite having the much-prized accreditation getting you into the Euroclub, it WON’T get you into the inner sanctum at the back where the Turkish (and other) parties take place, The resistance and its cohorts had to slum it with the Austrians instead who had turned up in droves brandishing Austrian flags. Once they let the hoï poloï were let into the said inner sanctum after midnight, we found Slovaks making themselves known. It turned really good (sorry to those absent friends) and also a little hazy.
A later start this morning meant a little more beauty sleep and it’s surprisingly lively here. Second rehearsals are going off and an air of optimism is evident. Maybe people are still drunk from last night.