Greetings from the former Danish province of Skåne

So, dear reader, I’ve finally arrived where you all wish you were.  In fact, from my time here I can see that some of you ARE here in Malmö.

I have to say I like the place.  I can’t say how I got here, because that would seriously compromise my mission, but it was all really easy.  Public transport a-plenty.  It’s clean, reliable and even I can understand plenty of the written word.

During the coming days, I’ll be adding to the comprehensive coverage you’ve come to love and expect from this highly esteemed website.  Mr Monty is still giving his erudite critiques of the songs.  Phil is doing what Phil does.  Mr Hacksaw has been seen in the vicinity too.  And Rosé, well you know what to expect from him.  All we need now are musings from Franko and Nick…  (hint, hint)

The first eight countries rehearse today (Austria to Netherlands).  As you know, we can’t see the rehearsals in the arena, so will make do with a feed to the Slaghuset/Slaughterhouse.  No one knows how this will work, so there might be some cheese reports to fill the void.

Keep watching, you never know, you might enjoy it.

Love ya all.

R x