Semi Final Two and I’m wrecked


Good afternoon OnEuropeneers … So that was a bloody totally unsuccessful early night wasn’t it? The latest yet, the most beer consumed to date and the most over-cooked and hoarse performances ever by me in one evening.. My public needed me. But it was a fantastic OGAE international party at the euro cafe and well worth the obvious damage to my health which is probably beyond help now.

I’ve only seen the second semi once in the first run through. There’s a few wobbly camera angles which I’m sure will be ironed out, namely in Albania and Malta, Petra was struggling a bit but again I’m sure it will be fine tonight. Horrific frock though and maybe a presenter will win the Barbara Dex award this year.

The opening sequence is amazing, better described elsewhere here on the blog and I didn’t see the interval act.

So the 17 songs…. This one is hard to call….

LATVIA – It’s a fun opener and come up a bit but I still think its out

SAN MARINO – Still big and dramatic, trying too hard, borderline

MACEDONIA – Lozano looks great without glasses, better today, borderline

AZERBAIJAN – He’s nervous but will be ok tonight, totally works, in

FINLAND – Mad and fun, totally works, in

MALTA – Coming after the break and Finland doesn’t help, he looks a bit lost, mmm I hope I’m wrong but they are borderline now for me

BULGARIA – Still not working for me, out

ICELAND – Vocally great but it’s borderline for me

GREECE – Obviously qualifying

ISRAEL – Powerful as hell, I think she may just squeeze in, pardon the pun

ARMENIA – This was terrible in this run through, no

HUNGARY – Very sweet but probably forgettable

NORWAY – Strong

ALBANIA – Always votes for good rock, in

GEORGIA – Tick tick tick, in

SWITZERLAND – Another one taking his glasses off, borderline

ROMANIA – Please Eurovision gods, don’t let drunks at parties let this qualify

Easier to do the definite non qualifiers here first….

  • Latvia
  • Armenia
  • Bulgaria
  • Romania

Then the definite qualifiers….

  • Azerbaijan
  • Norway
  • Greece
  • Georgia

So the remaining six places with nine fighting….

I’m more certain about Albania for the rock votes and Malta, he is still charming and so is the song. Finland has the slickly done fun, so yes just in…

So three from San Marino, Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Hungary and Switzerland. The two ballads Iceland and Israel, mmm I think Israel just nudges the old fashioned Iceland out. I think San Marino will just make it from that draw. Same with Macedonia as its the only thing like it. So just missing out Hungary and Switzerland

So my serviette of doom in certainty order..

  • Azerbaijan
  • Greece
  • Georgia
  • Norway
  • Albania
  • Malta
  • Finland
  • Israel
  • San Marino
  • Macedonia


Rosé x