I am now out of the office…

…and almost at Eurovision! Never have I been so pleased to put on my out of office notification and leave work as today. I am chomping at at least several bits to get to Copenhagen. Like you, dear reader, I have had to rely on That Phil and a mysterious Estonian to inform me of what is what and now that they have completed their job most admirably it’s a day off rehearsals and Rosé and I are ready to join them in CPH.

I’ve already let my excitement get the better of me checking in for our flight, booking myself into the seat behind instead of next to Rosé and finding myself unable to switch online. We’ll have to pass peanuts and gin back and forth to one another through the gap in the seats. If British Airways are reading this you could easily remedy it by moving us to a posh seat. We’d be less disruptive to whoever’s in 10 and 11E. Just sayin’…

I’m excited to have a vada at some of the on stage antics. I’m impressed by the line-up we have so far. An Azerbaijani trapeze artist, two Russian twins on a see-saw, a perennial loser from San Marino re-enacting Botticelli’s Birth Of Venus, a Georgian drummer descending on a parachute, some buxom Polish ladies over-spilling their bodices whilst churning butter in a sexually provocative manner, bouncy Greek boys on a trampoline, virtual Romanians (as real as the millions that flooded into the UK on January 1st) and a Ukrainian muscle Mary in a giant hamster wheel. And people still wonder why I love this show! Honestly, an Austrian drag queen with a beard yet is going to look ever so passé in comparison.

I shall leave you with the last two instalments of my Countdown, rounding off the build-up for me. Thanks for the comments, and see you in Denmark.

Monty x