Some stats that are here for you

We like our statistics here at Oneurope. You’ve seen the great work Mr Phil, Mr Nick and Mr Roy have done. So now it’s my turn. You may think it’s a whole load of pigwash, but here goes.

I’ve had a look at all of the semi-final results since 2004, and collated who’s voted for whom. I’ve then averaged them out so, for example, if Lesotho had given a total of eight points to Congo-Brazzaville over the course of the eight semi-finals they could vote for them, that yields an average on one point. Still with me? This can, however, still mean that a certain country could have an average of 11 points. Now we also have to bear in mind that Australia will be voting in both semifinals, but of course they have no voting history. But as this is the same for everyone it makes little difference. Austria, France and Spain are also voting in this semi-final.

So, Riigi, what does this mean for semi-final one? Well, here goes. Based on the the voting histories of the countries in the first semi-final, the results will be as follows:

Greece 114
Russia 106
Armenia 96
Romania 93
Serbia 88
Moldova 73
Albania 68
Hungary 72
Georgia 61
Denmark 56

Finland 55
Belgium 49
Belarus 47
Netherlands 39
Estonia 32
Macedonia 30

These figures have been rounded. Of note, Serbia has never had the chance to vote for Romania, and Austria has never had the chance to vote for Armenia.

Some other notables are the Netherlands giving an average of 11.5 to Armenia, and Belarus giving an average of 11.333 to Russia. Macedonia has never given any points to Estonia (Grrr) in seven semi-finals. Belgium has never any points to Belarus in eight semi-finals.

We all know these will be confounded on 19 May which means my efforts will be wasted.

Luv ya
