Today we saw all sorts of gems from all across Europe so, in brief – the OnEurope memorial forks ( In association with Princess Cosmetics)
Gold fork for outstanding contribution to Eurovision – Russia. I know this might not be popular but hell she was good in the hall today and looked and sounded stunning.
Gold fork for outstanding “Gordon’s Alive” moment – Georgia. She’s a warrior alright, but stuck with 1980’s shoulder pads – #fabulous
Silver fork for outstanding dress design – Georgia… You can’t have too much of a good thing.
Bendy bully for awful styling och consulting – Serbia. Whoever told her that that Dress was a good idea and the dance routine was “good” needs sending to the goulag for a thousand years.
Best Male performer – Belarus. Looked all lonely and forlorn on the stage but you wanted to mother him all day long
Best Female performer – Russia. So good we gave her Two (2) Awards….. She has the best vocal range in the first semi final by a mile!!
Thats all the forks for now – Tomorrow we’ll go for Semi Final 2 and start all over again. A 10 To qualify follows this blog!!!