Day 4, still no gossip

Good morning Oneuropeans! Still no real gossip from the EuroClub. It’s virtually just me and the Cypriots in there. We’ve got our own table now and the barman knows our drinks. Karaoke started last night, officially just a a test of the equipment ahead of it starting next week but I fancy the unfathomably popular pastime will become a permanent fixture. There were some decent singers to give them their due but somebody had a crack at Alexander Rybak’s Fairtytale and I’d swear they’d never even heard the song before in their life.

Moment of the evening for me was a playing of Ska vi Plocka Körsbär i min Trädgård, albeit to an empty dancefloor. Even some Swedes looked at me funny when I whooped with delight and sang along. Well, I say moment of the evening, I actually mean moment of my life.

So day 4 ahead, and my other favourite along with Israel – Bulgaria. I’m also looking forward to seeing what Ukraine does. The rest, on paper at least, a bit meh. But let’s see what the day will bring.

Monty x