Mia – Guilty Pleasure
This was a total left-field surprise for me. I’ve tended to write off Croatia after a string of disappointing entries – or rather songs that just don’t appeal to me.
Mia is a very different proposition and ‘Guilty Pleasure’ is a very different song. For one thing, there are few solo female singers with simple optimistic pop songs on offer this year. For another, Taylor Swift sells this sort of thing by the bucket load.
I’m not quite so sure about the staging, although it’s not awful. Much of this could come down to HRT’s choice of camera angles and shots for DORA – which were at best erratic.
She can sing live. The song is memorable. I happened to pick up on this in the middle of a Eurovision 2022 Spotify playlist and had to go see what it was as it jumped out of the others on offer. This is my ‘dark horse’.
Mo’s score – 12 Points