Light Me Up by Gromee feat. Lukas Meijer
I love a good banger at Eurovision, and this year Poland has one on their hands. I hadn’t heard the Polish songs before seeing the national final, and I admit to low expectations when I saw Gromee and Lukas take to the stage. The song started to show through, though, and by the end I really liked it. I tried to think about why I was initially turned off, and it’s my prejudices for the image of the performers.
So many good dance tracks benefit from more abstract videos, rather than trying to recreate them live on stage and this is Poland’s problem: we need to see less Gromee, and Lukas needs a make-over. Like, some serious styling och consulting. I don’t want to appear uncharitable, it’s merely that any DJ miming themselves mixing at the desks looks awkward, and Lukas’ country-ish rock look is incongruent with the sound of the track. The temptation’s going to be to chuck some super-cool dancers at it but I’m not sure that’s the answer to a perhaps impossible conundrum.
At the end of the day this is the kind of song you want to hear in the recorded version, thrusting your arms in the air to at 3am on the EuroClub dancefloor, not being played out unnaturally on stage. And that might be the difference between qualification or failure.
My marks: 7 points
Will it qualify? Marginal