Mo’s Eurovision Countdown 2019 – France

Let’s start the Countdown week with our first Big Five entry. La France.

Bilal Hassani will tip up in Tel Aviv with a song written by last year’s French entrants (Madame Monsiuer). Their presence shows, and ‘Roi’ comes across as a throwaway track. The unintentional b-side of (vastly over-rated) ‘Mercy’.

The video for this song is stunning and studio polish turns it into something worthy of  many more listens. It’s a world apart from the French national final, when Bilal came across as a Pound Shop Conchita, appearing nervous and anything but regal. And let’s not dwell on the vocals.

Any review of this song would be incomplete without pointing out how irritating it is to hear anyone sing ‘I’m not a rich’.

As a package, ‘Roi’ lacks identity and charm. The formulaic song blows cold and Hassani struggles to inject the obvious warmth and personality he shows off stage. But, as we’ve often seen, so much can change between now and the big night. As it stands, I’m unimpressed.

3 points