Monty’s Eurovision Countdown 2019 – Part 13 – Finland


After a few years using UMK as a showcase for new artists it felt inevitable last year that Finland would have to do an internal selection of Saara Aalto, a local star whose international profile was in the ascendency after her surprise second place on the UK’s X Factor. I’m still surprised she fared so badly at Eurovision, and feel the staging and styling played a big role.

On the back of such a major flop against high expectations you might have seen a rethink, but they’ve stuck with the profile artist, three song approach drafting in dance music superstar DJ Darude. I had to Google his 2000 hit ‘Sandstorm’ to remember how it went, but when I did, I remembered dancing to it on many a night out I’ve long forgotten the finer details of.

Like Estonia in the previous review this isn’t a song I select by choice but is one I enjoy when it comes around on the playlist. Like Saara, the Finns will be hoping his name adds sufficient attention to this to get him into the final. I have him going either way, but if there’s any justice this is the kind of song that at least deserves a Saturday night airing.

Monty’s score: 6 points