Phil’s Eurovision Countdown 2019 – Part 13 – Finland

Finnish flag

I’m of the understanding, thanks to some people who know about music (Roy), that Darude is (or at the very least was) something of a top-class DJ. So top-class in fact that I have never heard of him. Thankfully for you lot though, I don’t have to, because he’s got three minutes to show me his wares.

It seems that the song Finland has chosen doesn’t actually have that much Darude performing. It’s more Sebastian carrying the song by doing the actual singing. I’m not sure what Darude is doing on stage apart from pretending to DJ.

The chorus of this song is basically the same two phrases “Look Away” and “It’s in my head” repeated for an inordinate length of time, and it all makes me wonder why Darude is on stage in the first place.

The song has no lyrical story to speak of and seems to be a vehicle to get Darude’s face into a gabillion homes so people remember who he is.

A name is not enough to carry a very weak song and this will get found out.

Phil’s Score – 3 Points

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5 years ago

I think it represents the problems a DJ has when writing a song for Eurorvision.
If a dance track can take the time to develop and extend, the constrains of 3 minutes limit you to what you can put in those 3 minutes. The vocals are not a pleasant one or even powerful enough to carry the song, which is a miss when it comes to a dance track. The chorus is just repetitive and doesn’t develop anywhere. A DJ on stage never works well on Eurovision stage and there is not much you can do when you have a DJ on stage.
One thing though – The musical sentence that the whole song is based on, has a great potential, but someone was playing safe and was not sure how to built it further