Running on Air by Nathan Trent
Nathan Trent is another bright eyed young thing bringing enthusiasm and charm to his Contest appearance. He sounds quite pleased with himself, as well he might having been handed the biggest gig of his life. His song treads a familiar Eurovision theme of survival, triumph, achievement, and generally winning at life. To illustrate his success, he’s chosen to pretend he’s Julie Andrews singing with joyous abandon in the Austrian Alps, barely giving a moment’s thought as to how he’ll get back to the Abbey for vespers or where he’s left his wimple.
So full of good fortune is Nathan Trent that he’s even managed to hitch a lift without getting either a) killed or b) pestered for sexual favours by a creepy driver (or is that man-hug in the van a hint of something post-coital…?). It’s all accompanied by a defiantly happy tune, the kind of toe-tapper, finger-snapper it’s futile to even try to resist. By now you’d think you’d want to give him a slap yet Nathan Trent has enough charm to win you over.
One thing that’s missing though is a proper look at him in live performance. His vocals seem steady enough but we don’t have much to judge his stage presence on. Without that, and without the advantage of natural voting allies, it’s difficult to say how he’s going to fare. I suspect it’s both unique enough and happy enough to have a decent crack at qualifying, though there’s not much beyond the pleasant upbeat sentiment to make it especially distinctive.
My marks – 6 points