12 April – And let’s try to hold our spirits high

It can always be a lottery taking part in a semi-final. Yes, these days only five countries don’t have to take part in them. But luck, whether it’s bad or good, can get you through to the Grand Final, or hold you back.

Ten years ago, our friends in Armenia were on a streak of five consecutive appearances in a Grand Final. Could they make it six? Today’s birthday girl Էմմի/Emmy (née Էմմա Բեջանյան/Emma Bejanyan) had the honour of singing fourth in the first semi-final. Over the years, it’s become apparent that this particular draw is notoriously unlucky. Emmy fell foul of this bad luck. She was in good company, the three songs before her and the one song after her all also failed to make the Grand Final too. It was probably the unluckiest ever start to a contest week. But what made Emmy unluckier was two more points, and she would have made the Grand Final.

Emmy is 37 today.

Ծնունդդ շնորհավոր, Էմմի!