6 November – Neighbours say we’re trouble

Some of our friends around Europe are convinced that their country will never win European (and Australian) singing’s greatest prize. No-one likes us, they cry. It’s all a stitch up, with neighbourly voting and politics aplenty. It’s clearly not true. Remember Finland? Never a hope. Then they went and won in Athens in 2006. Then there’s Portugal. Fifty-one years it took them.

Another country that may well have given up hope was Austria. A series of dismal results and indifferent paticipating was Austria’s was. Until 2014 when today’s birthday boy/girl Thomas Neuwirth/Conchita Wurst only went and won the thing in Mömö, scoring 13 maxima in the process. It just goes to show that anyone can win.

Conchita is 35 today.

Frohe Geburtstag, Conchita!