3 March – I will go till I’m numb

Has Eurovision got too big? Was it better when we saw 20 countries (give or take) on a Saturday night in front of a polite audience? Or is the more the merrier?

One of the most recent additions to our happy Eurovision family is our friends in Azerbaijan. As we know, they hosted the most easterly contest to date and that win came four years after that début. Many countries are probably a tad jealous of this, and their luck is generally holding up. In 2015 they sent today’s birthday boy Elnur Hüseynov. He was the first Azerbaijani to take part twice as a named performer, but this time he wasn’t dressed as an angel. He didn’t do quite as well in 2015 as in 2008, but he was probably overshadowed by the classic song that followed it. But twelfth place isn’t that bad – still on the left-hand side of the scoreboard.

Elnur is 33 today.

Ad günün mübarək, Elnur!