4 April – The firefly comes to you sits on your finger

Our friends in Cyprus try hard. And one day they may success. After all, who wouldn’t love to go to Afrodite’s Isle for two weeks of sun-drenched Eurovision madness?

It’s always worth paying special attention to what they’re putting forward. And they have taken years out, which is always devastating. In 2009 CyBC had the bright idea of using X-Factor to help with their search. So when Nikolas Metaxas came second, they asked his sister and today’s birthday girl Χριστίνα Μεταξά/Christina Metaxa to sing their song. He’d written it of course so the pedigree was there. She didn’t quite have the luck to make the Grand Final, but did beat a load of horizontal-tricolour-waving countries in her semi-final. Maybe people mis-heard what the firefly was doing on her finger.

Christina is 31 today.

Χρόνια πολλά, Χριστίνα!