4 July – Skuba duba dabda dididaj

The home entrant in a contest, as we’ve discussed before, gets the best and worst of the deal when they get up on that stage. They don’t get to travel, but they get that huge home support.

When you’re singing for one of the Nordic countries, you know you’re generally going to be popular. But you have to appeal to the whole of Europe to do well. In 2014, Anis ‘Basim’ Moujahid went all the way to an interesting part of Copenhagen and managed a ninth place. Some would be happy with ninth place. His broadcaster was probably among them, although second might have pleased them more. On the plus side, he could have gone to the legendary after-show party and then straight home, unlike those that had to travel.

Basim is 31 today.

Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Basim!