1 July – And just hit play, cause that’s the only way

We all have our favourite countries. It could be because we have family there, or because they enter songs we like into our favourite TV show. Or they could. Or they could generally get good results from the people of Europe (and Australia).

Our friends in Estonia have only had one win, but on the whole they punch above the weight of their fairly small population. However, for these punchers there are the occasional dips in form. On said dip occurred when today’s birthday boy Jüri Pootsmann took to the stage. His card tricks and interesting delivery didn’t really find favour with the juries or televoters. He tried again in 2021 and – who knows – we could see him for many years to come. Now that would be a trick.

Jüri is 28 today.

Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Jüri!