Eeesti … yeees?

Daniel Aragay from Vacarisses, Catalunya • CC BY 2.0

Phil: Carola has imported her Wind Machine in for this one! It’s still shite However, it’s not as bad as we thought it was going to be. There is wind, and exploding melojians and cleverly crafted song in their somewhere. They have, thankfully, fixed the sound on the monitors so I can report that it sounds .. well … different. As Logan once said, ‘What do you say when words are not enough?Leto Svet evidently.

Nick: The Estonians have apparently completely forgotten that they’re not from Lithuania in choosing their colour scheme for the day. It’s all very green. And red. And yellow. And, really, quite Eurolauly. Except for one thing. Is that our old mate Peter The Estonian Drummer from 2004 we spy as the third man on stage? We suspect it might be! It’s cake and onion on a stick. Sound in the press centre is improving again and not a second too soon. I can listen to these guys all day. Put me out on a limb here if you will, but this is totally qualifying and I’ve never ever steered you wrong before about any similar things. Ever. *cough*.

For those of you who saw the Estonian national Final this will not come as a surprise. For those that didn’t, take a pill before watching. Three of the ugliest men in Europe one of whom bears a remarkable resemblance to Johnny Vegas march across the stage whilst three considerably better looking girls stand behind them and wave flags and odd things. The tune is not unlike the old banana splits theme tune and part way through they launch into an organ and piano recital to finish off the few people in Europe who are … a) still watching and b) not yet confused. I’m gonna to surprise myself here and say that I don’t actually despise it and am strangely warming to it’s vaguely fascistic overtones,wind machine and Irish dancing. It’s too bizarre for words in short. Europe is either going to vote for it in their droves or turn off in disgust which will mean it will win by default. Just kooky enough to qualify especially after the Israeli yawn fest. Be afraid!